
Guilhem Chatir / Shantala Pèpe / Tumbleweed

Soirée composée : Vertiges / Carcan / The Gyre

Vertiges (Guilhem Chatir)

Extrait de sa pièce Vertiges, Guilhem Chatir convoque ici en solo la seule figure humaine d’un paysage désert, un corps qui s’abandonne au déséquilibre de sa chute incessante. Dans la boucle de ce temps hors du temps, la fin de chaque geste s’effondre dans le début du suivant : légèreté et pesanteur, tension et relâchement, aplomb et horizon se mêlent ainsi intimement et donnent à voir la virtuosité sensible de leurs Vertiges.

La tonalité sombre de la deuxième Partita de Bach et en particulier le motif obstiné de La Chaconne redouble et nourrit le vertige de cette boucle incessante. Une conversation s’ouvre ainsi entre la musique et la danse, qui mettent toutes deux leur virtuosité technique au service du sensible.

Carcan (Shantala Pèpe)
In a metronomic and hypnotic sway, a woman emerges from the shadow, her eyes staring forward. Animated by metric and smooth arm dance, she is emanating cold and mechanical sensuality. As she moves forward, her movements free themselves and turn into erratic outbursts and volutes transforming her from one woman to another, from one role to another. Organicity and breath interfere in the stranglehold of the rhythmic loop and give way to enchantment.

The Gyre (Tumbleweed)
Angela Rabaglio and Micaël Florentz remind us that matter is in perpetual motion, and it never rests. This uninterrupted flow of energy raises and knocks down the forms of reality that we know. The Gyre is a piece that develops based on an extremely simple action: walking. Very rapidly, we are transported into a delicate and precise score in which two bodies relay in perpetual motion. This simplicity transports us delicately into the hems of time and the awareness of a universe without absence.

The Gyre is a whirlpool of pure movement that winds and unwinds, and becomes complex without ever stopping. The two dancers whirl tirelessly and unwind a hypnotic score of interlaced movements step by step. The line distinguishing one from the other blurs, dims, and finally disappears.